In the morning I did my usual Saturday yin practice, adding to my repertoire gomukasana, a not-so-favorite pose. Later that evening, my partner and I went to see the closing night of Pagliacci at Seattle Opera (Gordon Hawkins playing the murderous clown was great!). Usually these gigs are 3 hours plus, but luckily this one clocked in only a touch over 2 hours.
Before the show we went to Crow nearby. I had the manila clams with chorizo sausage and sun dried tomatoes. He had the duck confit and lentils. This place is not bad, even though it's usually crowded and the food is a little oversalted for my taste.
When you think about these situations, there are lots of long stretches of time when you're just sitting and not doing a whole lot. Plane rides, movies that never seem to end, opera. Shit, if only I could sit on the floor of my office in baddha konansa while I work through my emails. I would be so uberflexy by now. I know it's all that damn sitting at work that tightens my hip flexors and hamstrings.
So to make the best of the situation last night, I tried to squeeze in a pose or two. Hey, it's dark and no one notices. Doing half padmasana works. So does half-square or half-box pose with one bent knee resting over the other (what's the Sanskrit name for this?). I've also done it at the movie theater which is particularly good for boddha konasana if I can hook my knees under the arm rest and not bug my neighbor. I'd like to work up to full padmasana on a plane if I can.
But let's turn our attention to Lax for a moment. She has a lovely figure and mad-sexy hips. You know that she's pure as the driven snow (as reported in HER BLOG), but she has these envious "whoring" hips. I mean, if I had open, slutty hips like her, I could hang out all day in uptavishta konasana while reading a book.
I can't even begin to imagine how productive and flexible I'd be.
Awww, thanks Armani. :) I am truly blessed with my whoring hips. Check out THIS VIDEO ON MY BLOG to see just how whoring they are.
I usually sit in my office with my legs in square pose. Sitting is a total killer, you are right. Plus you are a guy, not meant to have slutty hips, so it's hard for you, BUT, you can do that fucking eka pada bakasana so you win on that one. together, we have a great practice. Missed you today because it's ladies hols. Hey, congrats on the 26 days! You'll be glad to know that yogamum is extending it...
My pleasure, Lax. I'm glad you posted the video so people could see it with their own little eyes. You and David Williams could have trucks drive through those hips. I'm just so jealous I can't fold into padmasana without using my hands yet.
Hm, yogamum moving the milestone? I didn't get the memo!
Hi Armani
I hope you had flexible dress clothes for doing yoga at the opera. The only improvement I've seen in the work environment is giving people the choice of a rolling ball for seating, or if someone has back problems, setting up the workstation for that.
I agree that these cultural events are sometimes too long. Someone I dated used to complain about that and would force us to leave at intermission. Oh, I notice we're family :) Happy for your relationship. I seem to have an aversion to dating and limited time, so for now I remain single.
Hey you can try getting into urdvha padmasana without the hands. It's a good preparation for the feet in karandavasana. By then the feet are sufficiently sweaty it makes it easier.
Have you tried springing into yoga poses at work? People will think you're colorful. Sometimes I do ardha chandrasanas in the hallway. (This is a feat in heels.)
I used to know the name of that ankle-to-knee thing?
We with slutty open hips (someone told me in December she wanted my hips for Christmas) have other problems... for me, it's strength. As my amazing teacher said to me recently, "we work with what we're given!"
: )
Annabella: Mm, I can't say that work makes me want to spring into cartwheels. Heh. I'm colorful enough.
But more importantly, this post demands a picture of you in your Manolo Blahniks. Psst! Better do it before Lax takes the idea and runs with it! Your stats will soar through the roof.
Arturo: Urdva padamasana would be a good one to work on without hands. I'll let you know in 6 months. Heh.
Now that I know you're part of the tribe, we can hang and giggle like two leetle gurlz.
I used to have a picture of me in ustrasana in heels, but I'm not sure it's fit for public blog consumption....
; )
is it a tribe or a gaggle?
for slutty yoga pictures, there's always sharon gannon
Annabella: Hm, now I'm intrigued. Why did you have a picture of yourself in ustrasana and heels? Please share--hardly anyone is reading this blog anyway.
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