Thursday, January 17, 2008

Mea Culpa.

I missed practice this morning. *gasp!* I don't have any excuse really. Uhm, the male version of Lady's Holiday, perhaps? I know if you asked my partner he'd say that I'm bitchy and cranky everyday. Shit, now I've blown my record for YaMoYoYo or whatever it's called. Although if someone gives me a hall pass, I could still finish the month.
I could never know what it's like to be on the rag like my unfortunate sisters, so I won't even try. But I did feel a little bloated, a little more moody than my normal sunshiney self.

Lax calls it her "pyramid." What would you call it, gentle reader? Male stroppyness, manstruating, Lady Boy's Holiday?

I do like to feel fresh everyday.


Anonymous said...

i think manstrating is really good. I also think that you should get one hall pass for this. I mean, heck, you have a full time job and you're the first one on your mat (usually) AND you iron your clothes. You're not out.
We had a good crowd today; pretty much all ladies except for Floatation Device.

armani said...

Whew, it's amazing how you can beat yourself up over shit like this.

Interesting crowd today. Yesterday it started out majorly as a sausage fest. Just yourself, Princess Leia, Ballerina and E (haven't figured out a name for her yet) representing the other sex.

Anonymous said...

Was E next to me? Oh no--I know who you mean. Was ballerina next to me? Is that S? Wait, you weren't there yesterday. What day are you talking about ? Weds?

Carl said...

There's no fancy way to say it. It's "wimping out," plain and simple.

crankyhausfrau said...

i also vote for manstruating. but lady boy's holiday is pretty clever, too.

Lees Lamar said...

God, this is fucking fantastic!
Love it. Love you. Hate word verification.

Lees Lamar said...

See, Laks we don't hate everyone!
We are not haters. Well. We are not super haters.

armani said...

Love you back, samasthi-tee-hee. A big squishy hug!

armani said...

Lax: I was referring to Wed. Yah, ballerina is S.

Carl: We need some gender parity here. Maybe you can motor through YaMoYoYo, but I need as many breaks as I can get.

Anonymous said...

Carl, you're so harsh calling Armani a wimp. At least he remembers his pants.
Armani, I think the only name I could have come up with for S would also be ballerina. it seems so obvious, but there it is. I quite like the name I came up with for L, which is Racing Sweater. And I'm with Samastitty--turn off the word verification. I don't like taking a test each time I comment.

armani said...

Lax: I took Carl's comment as including himself as well. When our spies report him MIA at the Shala, we can totally take him down.

Oh and I did turn word verification off. Took me a while to figure out what y'all were talking about.

Anonymous said...

thanks for turning off the word veri. and yeah, let's get pictures of carl at practice. then we can blackmail him.

Carl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Carl said...

I hope you send your prettier spies to The Shala. Better yet if I get to handpick them myself.

Laks, you failed to get photos of me practicing AND of me eating the overcooked steak. I guess you can try again next week

Anonymous said...

it was so foolish of me not to have my camera. WTF? Clearly, I was not thinking of my stats. By prettier spies, are you saying that Armani is not pretty?

Anonymous said...

oh Carl--armani means that we should take pictures of you at OUR place. criminal.

armani said...

Lax: pics of carl at OUR shala doing a totally crim Lunge or the "bonus pose" of Ardha Chandrasana would be perfect.

Carl: Uhm, we're all pretty. :)

Anonymous said...

oh yeah, carl doing the 'bonus pose' (don't think he considers it a bonus) or doing the 'unorthodox entry'...The Diver is funny with his script.

Carl said...

I don't remember what the unorthodox entry was or what pose it applied to. It was for a standing pose, was it not? And it wasn't the one-footed standing pose that he adds to trikonasana. I guess it didn't leave much of an impression with me.

I noticed Laksmi had to go use the washroom while everyone else did the twisted leg lunge. What was up with that Laksmi? Whimped out, eh?

Anonymous said...

totally wimped out and just happened to be lucky enough to have gotten off the mat at lunge time. If anyone were watching carefully, they would have noted that I left BEFORE we began lunging, so, technically, I wasn't wimping. I actually had to poop and the warrior poses aren't really great ones for holding onto your poop.

armani said...

Carl: Unorthodox entry into a pose before parivrtta trikonasana. He says something like this: Square your hips, keep the weight distributed on your back foot as you bring both hands down on either side of your front foot. Then to do reverse triangle, plant your left hand outside your front foot and reach high up with your right hand.