Yesterday my practice consisted of yin poses. It's a great complement for an ashtanga practice, which Paul Grilly says is yang or has "rhythmic movement" and works the muscles.
However, holding still in a pose like eka pada rajakapotasana, double kapotasana (Box?) or boddha konasa with a set of crim sandbags is a real test. It can certainly make me scream and release before the prescribed 3-5 minutes. While sitting yesterday and trying to cease the fluctuations of my monkey mind, my thoughts turned to food. Raw chicken wings, to be precise. I couldn't get the image out of my head and thinking how my thighs were just like the little chicken wings I like to chomp down and snap into pieces. As gruesome as that might sound to my vegan friends, it's not going to turn me off meat. I'm definitely eating a lot less of it these days, but I do love food too much to cut myself off. Hats off to Arturo for being so disciplined and doing the CRON diet. I will have to ask him more about that sometime.
Back to the chicken wings. So my mouth is pooling with saliva and I'm trying to breathe through these poses. I continue to imagine the chicken wings and my thighs with all this "gristle" and similar connective tissue. More saliva, more breathing. And my legs are going to snap off any second.
1) nice use of the word 'complement', thank you.
2) mmmm, chicken, I had it for dinner last night
3) WTF is 'double kapotasana'
4) do you have a stat meter?
1) Thanks for the compliment. :)
2) I don't have wings a lot, but I do love them.
3) Y'know, one have one leg bent in front of you in kapotasana and the other leg is bent and stacked on top of it like two parallel lines. What would be the proper name for it?
4) No, please show me! I am a total stat whore.
i don't know what that's called, but Douglas called it 'square pose'. I like that name, and, as you can imagine, i can hang out in that pose all day because i'm such a big whore with big whoring hips. You can get a stat meter here, you whore:
Hi Armani
You guys are too much. I could not drool at the thought of some uncooked chicken.
Armani, was your comment in Carl about the boots being fugly a reference to the fugglies website?
Sometimes when I need a good laugh I visit that site because the women writers are insanely funny when criticizing the dressing faux pas of the movie stars. I found out about in the WSJ a long time ago.
Cheers, Arturo
and as you can see my English is escaping me too, it happens when I'm tired, so g'nite. I observed my moonday today and plan to practice tomorrow.
Arturo: I guess this was a picture of meat porn. :)
Fugly as in ***ing ugly. You must tell me the URL of the website. It's not Dlisted, is it? Now that site is like crack for the celebrity addicted. Very unyogic but hilarious.
Hi Armani
You can google them, but it's a "nasty" blogname, except it's made it all the way the the respected publication that is the WSJ - http://gofugyourself.typepad.com/
"Go fug yourself. Commentary on celebrities with unfortunate dress sense" There's an Armani entry today, by the way. Gofug allegedly means "go fabulously ugly yourself." It's bitchy funny.
Cheers, Arturo
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