I haven't figured out yet what the theme of this blog will be, but it might be related to ashtanga yoga, food, mobile technology, photography (things that happen to interest me) or perhaps, it might be a shout out for self validation, a call to action or just something I want to get off my chest.
I know it will be a challenge to come up with something interesting every time you visit. I know you have only a limited amount of free time during your workday to cruise the interwebs on the company computer, but I want you to know, dear reader, how much I appreciate the gracious donation of time you give up every time you find your way here to read this little ole' blog.
I'll try to do my best to post a pretty picture or two, my deepest thoughts, a beautiful insight I've gained while The Diver squats on top of me in Marichiasana A until I grind my nose into my shin, or something that just cracks me up.
I'll also do my best to maintain civility, demonstrate kindness, ahimsa and all that stuff, but once in a while, I might just need to take someone down for some dumb shit they post, or because I've had a bad day and I'm in a bad mood. You know, keeping things in order, and making me happy.
It's all good, right? Many paths, one truth.
Next post: More about me....
right on, Armani! I will pimp your blog on my blog tonight!
consider yourself pimped!
yeah Armani!
Woohoo! My blog reading list just grew!!
Yay! I love you all back. :)
Hi Armani
Looking forward to reading your blog posts!
Yeah! Arturo came too!
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