Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Snow Day! Well, sort of...

Yesterday was another yin day.

Got up my usual time, saw snow outside the window, then went back to sleep. You see, I live on a hill in a park, which makes it nearly impossible for me to get out of the driveway in conditions like this. Usually what I have to do is park my car at the top of the hill the night before. But I was too lazy to do it this time.

Now just a note about snow in Seattle. It doesn't snow here very often. It usually melts in few hours, but when there's snow in the forecast, people freak. Seriously. Schools close. People stay home and call in sick. Those who do venture out in their cars, see a snowflake, wig out and drive into the nearest light post. Check out this crazy video. It's not from Snow Storm 2008, but you'll get the gist.

Yesterday, I was fortunate enough to have everyone in our little plat of homes shoveling and sanding the driveway. It was a lovely community effort. My nice neighbors and dear partner (recovering from a cold) were huffing and puffing their little lungs out. They needed a good cardiovascular workout actually. I helped too, but I had to tough it myself, y'know. I had to go back to the bedroom looking for something appropriate to wear for the inclement weather. Big dilemma. I ended up having to forsake fashion for function by putting on this fugly, beige down jacket from another fashion decade. Armani was not happy, especiallly when he was looking like a overstuffed pillow.

It looks better today. It's supposed to snow again but I'll wearing my fugly down jacket, just in case.


Anonymous said...

What does yin practice mean - is that like restorative?

Crazy video! I have to admit that I don't drive so well in the snow.

Carl said...

If you keep it up with all this yin practice, your yang will get revoked. And then you'll have to start over again at the bottom of the waiting list when you go to get it reinstated.

crankyhausfrau said...

i was living in seattle in, hmmm, i think it was 1996 when there was a big huge snowstorm. those crazy people don't know how to drive. but also no on has snow tires and there is only one snow plow in all of king county.

eeyore said...

armani, i love your blog! but i cannot snow-drive. i've almost never done it so i'm sure to be bad.

Anonymous said...

King County is Seattle? Funny - Kings County is Brooklyn!

I want a snow day, the kind where you can drink hot chocolate and bake cookies. Probably I would not do yoga on my snow day. Nothing that takes any effort!

crankyhausfrau said...

oh, come have a snow day at MY house!

Anonymous said...

my grandmother always used to say 'it hurts to be beautiful'. she's right. i'm so beautiful when I go to work, but I hurt so badly...

armani said...

Annabella: I think of Yin as more static poses that you hold for a loooong time and where you relax into the pose. I don't think of them as restorative necessarily.

Carl: No danger of doing too much yin for me. Ashtanga builds a lot of strength which comes easily for me. I balance it with all the yin stuff. The Diver is brilliant in custom designing a set of poses for you to deepen your practice and open your body like a can opener.

armani said...

Cranky: I keep saying to everyone, I'm not worried about me driving. I'm worried about the nuts who are going to hit me.

Eeyore: Big squishy hugs to ya! I specialize in flattening people in paschimottanasa.

armani said...

Cranky: Apparently I need to be on the guest list in order to read your blog? I'm with the DJ? Can you let me in? Will you also have cupcakes at your house? :)

Laksmi: I need your help to decipher your comment. Let's schedule a huddle on the mat.

Arturo said...

Hi Armani
That video looks unreal. When I lived in San Antonio, Texas, it snowed so rarely that when it did it was treated as a national disaster. But then their roads are not made to drain the stuff as it melts, nor does the city have equipment to deal with it.
Not to worry about your fashion fluque; we won't notify the fashion police.
Cheers, Arturo

Arturo said...

Hi eeyore, I thought that was a picture of your basset, but it's a picture of two little pigs in the snow. Neat. Arturo

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking about the unfashionable down jacket. yes, it's warm. it's also ugly. function=ugly, ergo beautiful=nonfunctional/uncomfortable. it hurts to be beautiful. Vershtestu?

Anonymous said...

I need to talk to The Diver about some poses for my hips. I have something close to Super Whoring Hamstrings (OK, that doesn't sound right, but you get the point), but I really want Super Whoring Hips!!

Anonymous said...

The Diver will tell you that folks have it one way but not the other. in other words hips or hamstrings, but not both, sister. sorry. i'm the biggest whore in that shala! YEAH! F$%^ing HOOOOOER!

(post, armani, POST!)

Carl said...

We should accumulate all our down jackets in one place and see whose is fugliest. I bet I have you all beat.

Anonymous said...

let's have a fugly-off on sunday. I'll bring my camera and I'll use it to increase the stats on MY BLOG.

Anonymous said...

and look, aren't you glad you stopped lurking because you and arturo are friends now. awww. you made a new friend.

armani said...

Heh, that's a good idea, but I'm going to be in Vancouver over the weekend. :(

I wore the fug jacket this morning and looked back to see if you'd notice, but you were in the middle of handstand drama at the wall.

Yes, Arturo and I are bonding! I'm not sure if we can go out to dinner just yet.

Carl said...

I'll practice at Hasbro Shala on the coming moon day, whenever that is (I think Wednesday). Next Sunday, I'm in CA. And the Sunday after that too.

Anonymous said...

hasbro shala, that's fucking funny, carl. you know, your outside really doesn't match your inside. I don't think i'll be there on weds because I have to be at work early. let's all try to do the fugly foto even though armani won't be there on sunday.

Carl said...

Does that mean I don't look funny? Thank you. You're so kind to me.

Anonymous said...

that's right. you don't look funny. you look pretty, um, sedentary. then again, Jesus looks like a, excuse me, boring guy, but he's EVEN FUNNIER than me (sometimes) if you CAN IMAGINE THAT! HA HA HA HA!