The space has two smallish rooms for practice and finishing poses. It also has a lot of natural light and nice, toasty heat! Cool vibe too. About 17 students cycled through this morning, doing mostly primary and some second.
The students here are pretty serious about their practice and generally follow The Method. We were even doing the opening chant in semi-monotone, which seemed a little unadorned compared with the groovy version we do on Sundays. And I used to dislike the groovy version. My driste, which is not good when I'm in an unfamiliar location, wandered all over the place. I did notice a fair number of Luon wearers, black Mandukas and only a few props. And when I'm here, I do follow the crowd and don't veer off doing crazy mods or "bonus" poses since that would likely raise an eyebrow or two. But I'm just as happy to skip poses like pavirtta utthita hasta padangusthasana, and go through the series. Today I did second right up to laghu vajrasana.
The lovely Karen was adjusting, whom I hadn't met before. There was also another guy (didn't recognize him either) helping her out. Sharon, who usually covered the Sunday class, has changed her schedule for a much deserved break. I was rather thankful that Karen and the other fellow doing adjustments didn't use brute force to crank my body.
All in all, a nice place to practice. They were also very kind to post flyers for The Diver's workshop.
Hey, if you guys have your new "enhanced" driver's licences or passports, please come down for some fun!
sounds like fun. i like monotone, you know me. straight-laced conservative all the way except when it suits me. thanks for the post!
work less. blog more.
OK, check out today's post. Lululand was a bit of a bomb. :(
lots of words on lululand. chinese ny post is very good.
Yah, too much work to put words together. Better to keep it short and snappy with lots of pictures.
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