Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Tick, tick, tick...

I hate having a rushed practice, but today was actually not bad. I had an 8 o'clock meeting to get to and I needed to make a pit stop at my office to make some color copies beforehand. When I arrived at the shala just after 6, I launched right into sun sals and managed to finish by 7:20 a.m. Not ideal, but decent.

I was bit surprised to bump into Mr A going to the restroom as I was heading out. The usually indefatigable Mr. A cut short his practice and didn't finish all of 2s. He said he was tired.
Wow, it makes him seem more human to me now.


Anonymous said...

I don't like rushed practices either, but I'm usually glad when I finish them, because it means at least I did something. Today is my fifth day in a row not practicing and I am beginning to feel lazy, stiff and like maybe I never want to practice again! Hopefully this feeling will pass.

Happy Thursday!
: )

Anonymous said...

mr. a is getting wimpy now that I'm not there to make him look super human. he can lower the bar. I've never seen him go to the bathroom, but in the last couple of weeks when I was there, he did get up once or twice to blow his nose. slacker.

armani said...

Annabella: Yah, I used to grumble about not doing a full practice, but now I'm just happy to get whatever I can.

Lax: It was pretty startling actually. Maybe the kryptonite in my bag might be leaking and weakening Mr. A. Heh.

Cara: Welcome! I love you back!
Love the term: speed-yoga. It can sometimes snap me out of bad habits like dawdling. :)

Anonymous said...

yeah, you just rolled your kryptonite filled ball over towards his mat, didn't you? nice work.