On my last visit (see previous post), I went to Ashtanga Yoga Vancouver for mysore and dropped off a few cards. They were great. Emboldened by my success, I went to visit two Lululemon stores. Now, before you go hating on them, I have to say that they are very cool about putting up info on their community boards. I remember the founder, Chip Wilson, who made a zillion dollars when Lulu went public, used to go to ashtanga classes when I was just starting out. I even remember visiting his first "store" which wasn't much except for racks and racks of athletic wear made specifically for yoga. He's a canny business guy, that's for sure.
The other place I stopped by was Half Moon Yoga, which makes a lot of yoga blocks and props for wholesale and under their own label. They sell a lot of yoga shit, even the black rolling ball that I use in my pre-practice. They have a small little store on Granville Island, which is a popular tourist destination. A bit scary to visit on a long weekend, amid the cars and hordes of tourists, but it was worth it. Thanks, guys!
While I was doing all of this, it occured to me that it is much easier for me, the student, to do this kind of promotion, than to expect my teacher to do it. I had to do a little bit of selling, especially to people who didn't know him from Richard Simmons.
I'm not into cult worship, but I think we could all add a few grace notes of respect to our teachers. I'm guilty of not doing this enough, just like anyone else. You pay your money, you attend the class, end of business transaction. But it's something more I think. Kind of like the martial arts students who sweep the floor before practice and pour tea for Si-Fu (Teacher). They acknowledge and honor him, his years of experience and expertise, and realize how fucking lucky they are to be in his presence.
I actually like that my teacher is an expert in yoga, not marketing. He didn't even put his website on the postcard.
ay carumba, he didn't put his website on it? sheesh. Well, some dedicated students LIKE ME have his workshop AND his weblink up on THEIR BLOGS
Yah, you're so good. I think you put the info up even before he did on his own website. That's why he could use our help.
I try to talk The Diver up to anyone who is cool and would be interested (I don't want to send wankers his way!!), but I think that half the time they think the classes would be too hard because they know that's my style. Or maybe I just know too many lazy people.
Right on, Pi'ikea! I think we should also encourage the newbies who might be intimated by our awesome practices. Heh.
I have a feeling that some other students also chat up their friends. I asked The Diver where the students come from. He said that he always gets new students in all his classes, but he doesn't have a clue how they find out about him. Hmm. I kindly suggested that he add a line at the bottom of his consent form where people could indicate how they heard about his class. This could then help with his future promotion efforts. :)
And yes, you're kick-ass hard-core and that's swell!
Hi Armani
That's very nice of you to promote your teacher's workshop.
I recently bought two balls from fitball to do some of the exercises in the book Pelvic Power, which my teacher recommended. Now I need some time to do them. Maybe I'll start this weekend.
maybe we should have a march, where we all carry placards and promote The Diver. I remember how Puppet Girl found him. I was telling her to go to mysore (when we were at 8 limbs) and she ended up going to a noon class @ 8 limbs and came back saying 'I JUST FOUND MY TEACHER!' (she had just moved here) and she got all crazy and started saying how great he was and I said, 'well, who is it?' TROY LUCERO, said she. 'Oh, that's MY teacher, I said'. it's a thrilling story. But it shows that people of quality immediately recognize a good teacher.
Lax: What an encouraging message. I saw Puppet Girl this morning just as I was leaving. I'm glad she's hanging in mysore. It was an oddly small class--only 4 of us. :(
Arturo: Would love to see the exercises you do. Can you post some pics?
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