Monday, February 25, 2008
I'll be off-blog for a little while
Friday, February 22, 2008
Is Arturo a mentalist?
"Did you by chance visit Paris a number of years ago? There was a student from
Miami who went to the same mysore class I attended at the shala in Paris. He had
a similar background as you, but he was a pretty new student, so I'm guessing it
wasn't you, but thought I'd ask anyway."
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Tick, tick, tick...
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
My little good deed for the day
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Practice Notes: Embody Your Yoga
A reminder that yoga is different than aerobics and is not just a physical practice.
The Diver caught me 'sleeping at the switch' the other morning when I was going through the prasarita padottanasana series. It was simple, straightforward stuff. It's what I do almost every practice when I do standing poses. But he noticed that I had messed up the arms-breath combo getting into C, which led to a general comment about taking my practice beyond the mechanical pose details. Legs, arms where they should be, yes. Breath, yes. I'm doing the pose, so I think. And I have done the transitions. 'But can move your body and breath with your prana?' He says he sees all this energy in my hands and lots going on in my head. 'But can you put it all together and flow from pose to pose?'
He asked me if I had heard his Popeye and spinach talk. Well, I hadn't but I knew exactly what he was saying. Here's one vid that I found. Check it out. The magic starts at 5:50.
Later in the day, his observation made me think about all the led classes I took when I first started doing yoga and I was repeating bits of instructions of my instructor's voice (not the Diver) stuck in my head like a broken record. I hope by now I've internalized the important technical details and have started to focus on my breath and intention.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
If You Were a Pepper...
Monday, February 11, 2008
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Practice Notes: Revisiting Golden Oldies
Sunday's led class with the Diver was chill, beginning with a 1/2 hour of sitting. Thankfully, the rest of the class was just as groovy; it was low on lunges (that's cuz Lax, Pi'ikea and Carl weren't there. Missed ya guys!). We basically ran through most of the standing poses, then second up to ardha matsyendrasana. He threw a little nauli somewhere early on.
I had totally forgotten about this adjustment since the pose isn't in The Syllabus and I don't do it a lot. I suppose I could also do this against the wall as I'm working on my much-dreaded hamunasana, but today's assist was wonderful! I could actually relax into the pose and feel where it's supposed to go.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
MTMA: How to Roll Your Mat, or WWMD?
Use your foot as another stablizing point as you continue to roll that fat spliff of a mat. (Note that I'm also multi-tasking by doing a foot drill of lifting my arch, grounding my toe mounds and lifting my toes. Very Iyengar-esque. Missed the shot with my big toe lifting too.)
Now that you've got the front edge completely tucked under your mat, you can release your foot. Continue to roll and watch the ends of the mat to make sure you stay on track.
You're past the most difficult part of the job. It's smooth sailing from here.
Before you know it, you're done! Fini!
Your mat should be able to stand upright on its own.
Close-up shot of perfection.
Special thanks go to Lax for photography, the Diver for the idea and Martha for making anal compulsiveness part of everyday living.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Modern Tips for Modern Ashtangis: Hot Tip #1
It's a bitch if you're just borrowing that mat at the shala and you toss it into the container. Everyone else will have to squeeze to make space to fit their own mat in the tub.
Who's not being mindful now, huh? Besides it's really untidy.
It also makes the Diver crazy, even though there aren't a lot of things that bug him.
Next post: How to properly roll your pig-heavy Manduka into a perfect scroll.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Happy Year of the Rat!
Work is busy and I'm trying to keep my daily practice, hence a brief post.
Attended the festivities last weekend in Vancouver. Officially, the new year starts tomorrow.
So remember, if you want to follow some of these tried and true Chinese customs (not comprehensive or in any rigid order):
1) Don't clean your house on the first day in case you sweep away your good luck. EASY PEASY.
2) Eat a shitload of candy to start a "sweet" new year. CHECK.
3) Wear a new pair of slippers so you will be "stomping" on the gossipy villagers who have nothing better to do with their idle time. REMEMBER TO TELL LAKSMI.
4) Decorate your home freely with loud reds (luck) and garish golds (wealth). WELL, ARMANI DOES HAVE HIS STANDARDS.
5) Don't wash your hair in case you wash out your good luck. HM, KINDA HARD TO RESIST.
6) Don't bitch out your kids or loved ones. NOW, THAT'S ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE.
Oh, and go vegetarian on the first day of the new year to ensure longevity. You can order Buddha's Delight at even the most carnivore-oriented Chinese restaurants. (This lotus bud's for you, Arturo! Cheers!)
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Shout out to my peeps in Lululand!
The space has two smallish rooms for practice and finishing poses. It also has a lot of natural light and nice, toasty heat! Cool vibe too. About 17 students cycled through this morning, doing mostly primary and some second.
The students here are pretty serious about their practice and generally follow The Method. We were even doing the opening chant in semi-monotone, which seemed a little unadorned compared with the groovy version we do on Sundays. And I used to dislike the groovy version. My driste, which is not good when I'm in an unfamiliar location, wandered all over the place. I did notice a fair number of Luon wearers, black Mandukas and only a few props. And when I'm here, I do follow the crowd and don't veer off doing crazy mods or "bonus" poses since that would likely raise an eyebrow or two. But I'm just as happy to skip poses like pavirtta utthita hasta padangusthasana, and go through the series. Today I did second right up to laghu vajrasana.
The lovely Karen was adjusting, whom I hadn't met before. There was also another guy (didn't recognize him either) helping her out. Sharon, who usually covered the Sunday class, has changed her schedule for a much deserved break. I was rather thankful that Karen and the other fellow doing adjustments didn't use brute force to crank my body.
All in all, a nice place to practice. They were also very kind to post flyers for The Diver's workshop.
Hey, if you guys have your new "enhanced" driver's licences or passports, please come down for some fun!