Yesterday was another yin day.
Got up my usual time, saw snow outside the window, then went back to sleep. You see, I live on a hill in a park, which makes it nearly impossible for me to get out of the driveway in conditions like this. Usually what I have to do is park my car at the top of the hill the night before. But I was too lazy to do it this time.
Now just a note about snow in Seattle. It doesn't snow here very often. It usually melts in few hours, but when there's snow in the forecast, people freak. Seriously. Schools close. People stay home and call in sick. Those who do venture out in their cars, see a snowflake, wig out and drive into the nearest light post. Check out this crazy video. It's not from Snow Storm 2008, but you'll get the gist.
Yesterday, I was fortunate enough to have everyone in our little plat of homes shoveling and sanding the driveway. It was a lovely community effort. My nice neighbors and dear partner (recovering from a cold) were huffing and puffing their little lungs out. They needed a good cardiovascular workout actually. I helped too, but I had to tough it myself, y'know. I had to go back to the bedroom looking for something appropriate to wear for the inclement weather. Big dilemma. I ended up having to forsake fashion for function by putting on this fugly, beige down jacket from another fashion decade. Armani was not happy, especiallly when he was looking like a overstuffed pillow.
It looks better today. It's supposed to snow again but I'll wearing my fugly down jacket, just in case.