Friday, August 8, 2008

I am not at the dentist's office

The construction guys are really closing in on us. Even before I rolled out my mat at 6:00 am, there was much hammering and sawing going on. It's not hard to imagine how jumpy I all got when the wailing of a saw was piercing through my head. It reminded me of a dentist's drill. Our former studio on the second floor is totally enveloped in plastic sheeting. The little studio on the third floor that we currently occupy has had a couple of beams and reinforcement put in.

So much for driste. My mind was chewing over all sorts of little details: what was going to be happening at work, how I was going to make my little outfit for Burning Man with glow wire, what I was going to do in Vancouver this weekend...

Sure enough, I had just one adjustment this morning where the diver stomps on my thighs like he's crushing grapes while I'm doing supta varasana (yes, a totally criminal pose that I do after laghu vajrasana). I can totally relax into it so it's not totally challenging.

So before my final pose, I ask the Diver to do a little forward bending acroyoga. He lies on my mat and balances me with my hips resting on the soles of his feet. He holds my hands as I bend forward. He stretches out my midsection and twists me around like I'm a piece of chewing gum. It feels great. I have to keep my eyes closed though, because it feels so intimate. But it totally makes up for the lack of adjustments that morning.

When we're done, I see that he goes over to Mr. A and helps him with an adjustment in raja kapotasana. The Diver pins Mr. A's shoulders back with his knees and Mr. A's head is bending back to reach his toes. It's an awesome post. But I can't help but wonder what would happen if Mr. A's head snapped forward like a loaded spring. Yikes.

Not that it would ever happen.


Samyama Mama said...

Wow - the construction is really encroaching! Our kitchen and living room is completely torn out at home for a remodel and we're living in the other half of the house which is plasticed-off. I spent much of this morning scrubbing dust and soot off the floors (our chimney and fireplace were taken out, too).

So when I come in tomorrow for class, it will feel just like home!

Arturo said...

Hi Armani
The construction seems to be in spaces other than your studio. Will the studio remain there?

I did an AcroYoga move in a stretching class last week. It was similar to what you described. It felt like flying but was tough in that it's like doing mayurasana in the air. Your hands are held for balance, but the feet of the person in the mat are on your thighs, close to the mid section. It feels like burning at that contact point and you have to trust the person holding you. I did feel greatly stretched afterwards. Is The Diver going to give an Acro Yoga workshop sometime?


armani said...

Pi': you'll feel totally at home. C ya tomorrow!

Arturo: The plans are to keep the same studio spaces, just spiff them up for the "high class" renters. Not the cheapie tenants like us. Heh.

AcroYoga is very much about trust. If you're hurting, you should probably ask the instructor to make a change in how he's balancing you. It's hard to relax and get the full benefits.

Don't know if the Diver will do a workshop, but I'll definitely suggest it to him!

Anonymous said...

the construction reminds me of the dentist too. it's kind of like we're in a other world. really surreal. pics of the Afro yoga are on my blog.