Monday, August 11, 2008

Adjustments galore, new sounds!

It was an embarrassment of riches this morning. The Diver was running over to me a number of time with his fab adjustments. It wasn't too busy. Ahh, just like the good ole' days. It was nice and warm so I was able to work up a big sweat.

I felt a bit weird telling the Diver about what I was doing with Fiona yesterday. It felt a bit, well, unfaithful. Anyway, he did try to help me recreate the backbends that cranked open my upper chest, but I couldn't duplicate the magic. The Diver did help me do a tighter backbend, but I'll have to ask Fiona next time what I'm missing.

Thoughout the morning, noises filled the room. We had new sounds of a piledriver pounding something into the ground and lots of hallway chitchat of the construction workers.

Way too much energy for this time of the morning!


Anonymous said...

imagine cheating on the diver like that. yeah, the noise situation is kind of surreal. really teaches you to tune out.

Samyama Mama said...

Are the construction guys starting before 7:00 am? Without special approval, I don't think they can start work before then. We could always make them pay more for a special approval by complaining. (I know, not really constructive or yogic, but oh well ...)

armani said...

Yea, Lax, kinda felt dirty.

Pi': You tell 'em!