Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Burning Man: Coming through the dust storm

Wow! Talk about a trial by fire...or dust. I hitched a ride with a lovely couple from Brooklyn. They weren't freaks, and I chatted them up when I was at Whole Foods.

We arrived in a total white out. The winds were fierce and were whipping up all the dust. They stopped all vehicle entry after us, in order to minimize the number of vehicles on the Playa.

So I'm no longer a Burning Man Virgin. I'm also no longer a camping virgin. I popped my cherry twice so to speak. People back home will be laughing their heads off. I didn't even know how to set up my tent. I have to depend on the kindness of my Toronto and New York friends. I ate some cold Trader Joe's Indian Rice thingy in a vacuum pouch. It was elegant.

I am getting in touch with my inner filthiness. I have not bathed since Sunday and I have not shaved since Friday. Eeek.


Arturo said...

armani not shaving? eek. have fun. the pictures should be great.

Anonymous said...

lol. If any of your friends are wondering what you are going through, have them check out these videos - http://www.redux.com/playlist/burning_man_101

Carl said...

The jarhead life is quite filthy. I learned how to shave and bathe from head to toe using a mere 2 quarts of water. If you're motivated to get clean you can do it.

Anonymous said...

I love being able to follow your experience! How do you have internet access?