Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Where I've been

Can't believe that I'm sick again.

I was fine last week, but then my allergies hit me big. Runny nose, sneezing, scratchy eyes. I wasn't feeling great, but I got through work. Yesterday, the congestion traveled down my chest and stayed there when I got up this morning. No yoga.

I'll spare you all the details, but basically I've been sleeping all day. I feel too weak even to do some restorative yin poses.

I need to drain my nose now.


Dharmaparma said...

I sympathise I have the same problem, be totally fine for ages then an allergy attack then half the time its followed by an ear infection or sinus. It really really sucks. I hope you feel better soon

Arturo said...

Hi Armani
Sending you get well wishes

Anonymous said...

Allergies abound in NYC too. It sucks.



Anonymous said...

well, that is really too bad. The thing is, I have something for your present condition. You could really use the present I got you...

Samyama Mama said...

Crap! Feel better soon!! This time of year is always tricky for colds - just when you think the winter icky season is over, a bug sneaks in ...

Anonymous said...

Aha!! I knew I could find someone to blame for the way I've been feeling all week. Allergies have been bugging me on and off for a few weeks but since Monday I've had a sore throat and runny nose and now coughs. You must have passed it along at dim sum!

Well at least I'm no longer suffering alone. Hope you feel better! Caroline

armani said...

Hi y'all:

Thanks for the good wishes. I'm feeling better after much sleep and good drugs.

And Caroline. Hmm, I think your sweet baby is a prime suspect.

Anonymous said...

babies are germ factories.

Anonymous said...

you must blog. you've been home sick and you've got no excuse, so start typing. will you be at diving class tomorrow?

Anonymous said...

Ok people. My baby has no germs 'cause she's 3 months old and rarely leaves the house. I've been trying to get her to do yoga at home - upward bow perhaps? - but she's been rather aloof about it. Every time I tell her to get grounded by establishing her foundation, she ends up filling her diaper. She's just not getting it.
But she does enjoy reading this yoga blog. So get back to blogging armani! I'm sure you're out right now sampling some tasty pastries around town. Any chance we'll have some food reviews soon on the Big Squish?

Anonymous said...

well, if she poops when you tell her to ground herself, she's actually tapping into that apanic stuff, so I'd say you're well on the way.

Carl said...

Laksmi, if the baby poops then that means she's not retaining that apanic energy. But since the kid hasn't even developed her ego yet, it's probably too soon yet to worry about her moola bandha.

sparklepony said...

Make sure you do your neti pot. Works great for me. You are supposed to do Adho Mukha Svanasana, Trikonasana and other poses to "drain" your sinuses after using. I find it helpfu.