It takes place over the weekend and just two work-days. John, who is one of the senior Ashtangi rock stars, lives now in New Zealand and does not come to North America very often. In fact, this is his second workshop on the West Coast in recent years. A few years ago, he was supposed to do a workshop in New York, but he encountered some last-minute difficulties with US immigration.
John's workshop last year was very informative and inspiring. He also has a wicked sense of humor that keeps the chat portions interesting. If you can't make it to see him in person, at least get his video or book. He has a beautiful practice that's mesmerizing to watch.
Drop me a line and let me know if you do plan to attend. It will undoubtedly sell out in advance, just like last year. If no other bloggers are interested, I just might have to change things and go to Burning Man instead. (Caroline, I'm so tempted!)
I will probably go. I am scheduled to be in Seattle that week. I also need to figure out where/when to practice while I'm here for 4 weeks.
would i be able to lick john scott at any point during the workshop?
What does John Scott taste like?
If I can arrange child care, I'll deinitely come. I'll start working on it now!
I'll bet he tastes REAL good. Can't wait.
Oh. Laksmi, I thought that by "licking him" you meant that you were going to try to beat up John Scott. I considered attending the workshop solely for the purpose of witnessing that.
Julie, Lax, Pi': Oh goody! I think we're close to getting a critical mass of folks coming. C'mon, the rest of you, it'll be fun!
Lax: John tastes furry on the outside, but green, sweet and tart on the inside, with edible black seeds.
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