Usually I rush through the last part of my practice or abbreviate in order to get to work on time at 8:00 am. Sometimes I defiantly work through my finishing poses, past 8 am and stroll my yogacized ass late into the office. Not that there's anything really wrong with that. No one really cares, but people in my office tend to arrive early and start firing emails and voice messages while pile up before I even start my day.
Anyway, my recent practices have been been (dare I say?) crisp and efficient. Wednesday, I was doing standing and half second, but I blasted through those poses so quickly, I thought I skipped a bunch of them, which has been known to happen occasionally, but actually I didn't. It's been this way the past few days.
It definitely helped that the construction workers get in before 6 am, so if I get there early enough I have enough time for a very thorough practice, finish after 7:30am, do my ablutions and carry on to work. I'd like to get through all of second one of these days, but I find I do need to do all of standing before feeling warmed up enough. Ideally, I would do a 2 hour practice, which is preferred.
There are also the acroyoga partnering poses/fireside chats with the Diver that occur during or after my practice, which have been minimal of late. Always welcome, but without them, my practice does move faster.
More adjustments, longer practice. Less attention, faster practice.*
* See note from Matthew Sweeney's core adjustments about holding off on doing adjustments for one day of the week.
And so it goes.
1 comment:
Hi Armani
For some reason, I can't blitzkierg through my practices, even if I were asked to do so. Practicing at home gets me to do more asanas. 2 hours is possible at home. However, I know it's nice to practice in community and with a teacher.
Frankly, if your bosses know you're in a bit later because of yoga, I don't think there is a problem. Also, you can stay later to compensate. As long as you are putting in your hours, some flexibility in the workplace should be OK.
Could your attachment to all of Primary before doing 2nd be mental? The body should get used to the practice, regardless of where you start, although admitedly it's nicer to have a longer warmup. If your practice room is drafty or chilly, though, I see how the full primary warms up the body well.
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