So starting at 6 am this morning, there was a steady trickle of refugees showing up from The Other Shala, which shuttered it doors for good yesterday. Sad, indeed. Its presence will be sorely missed.
But I think we set a record of 19 students at the only remaining morning mysore class in the city.
It's great for the Diver. He gets more students who will benefit from his good teaching. I wasn't expecting any adjustments at all, what with all these newbies doing funky moves, but he was fixing wayward hand placements, wispy ujayi breathing and thunking jumpbacks for starters.
I did get a big squish in paschi. It felt great, like I was reaching a yard past my feet. But I selfishly wondered how much attention I'll get in the coming days.
Okay, so I'll practice agarigraha.
Yay! I'm glad that folks are showing up for The Diver's morning mysore. Yeah, I feel selfish too thinking that I don't want to end up with a humongous crowd there, now that I've arranged to make it into Mysore at least one day a week, but everything changes, right?
Mysore practice will be better with more folks there, you'll see. The feel of it will make up for the decrease of quantity of adjustments. With the space full, the sense of community increases. Plus, the extra bodies help make it nice and sweaty.
Pi'ikea, you've been talking about how you'll come to morning practice but I have yet to see you there.
I'm still waiting for the in-laws to come into town. They're sure taking their time. Last I heard they're coming in tomorow night, so I'll be in Thursday and also Friday if the Diver has class that morning, but I'm not sure that's an absolute arrival date. My consolation is that hopefully they'll stay into next week so I can come in more then.
Don't get me wrong - I love my in-laws, and I enjoy their visits for more than just the childcare that lets me come to mysore practice. But coming to class for practice is a very wonderful part of their visits!
pi'ikea is actually a big fat liar, which is the real reason she hasn't been to mysore class. Oh, and she's a slacker.
Pi'ikea, you missed it this morning--I thought Armani's shorts might come off during one of the diver's acro moments. I kept my eye on it, but nothing peeped out. Looked dicey, though...another incentive to come to class...
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Blah, blah, blah. I'll be in Thursday morning fer sure!
If Armani's shorts came off, I'd have to have a camera ready to make sure we could share the moment with everyone.
The acro stuff sounds cool - I'd better wear a good top, otherwise a boob might pop out.
Carl: Thanks. The community was waiting for you to open up this morning. It's okay though. Laksmi has you on speed dial.
Pi': Get over here before the number of dogs outnumber the humans! Bring the baby, too!
Lax: Can't you see how starved for attention I am? The acro stuff is amazing. The Diver stretches and twists you. The less you do, the better. I like!
I'm sorry about that Armani. I didn't get to sleep until midnight Monday night so Tuesday morning practice was a bust. If I can find some paint around here I'll cover up the 'do not duplicate' stamp on studio key and get a copy for you.
Pi Ikea, I asked Troy about Friday morning practice and he expressed some concern that so many people are asking about it. He said he'll send out an email announcement to let people know that there's NO YOGA HOLIDAY. Well, except for yoga slackers like you. Every day is a holiday for folks that don't bother to come to practice. Also, he might change the start time, so check in with somebody who gets his announcements.
oh, i'm glad there's no yoga holiday because I think i can go on friday. be good to have a bit of a stretch before a six hour drive
I am SO not a slacker. Does a slacker go into labor while practicing surya namaskara B at 6:00 am? I don't THINK so!! Ha!
The Diver didn't have class last year on the 4th of July, so I was paranoid that he wouldn't this year either. I'll be there. Not slacking. Watching your slacky ass.
stop calling armani a slacker. Hey, it's the diver's birthday on the fifth!
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