Saturday, May 31, 2008

Yoga babe discovery

As Arturo noted, we're all taking up the slack to make our blogs funnier and raunchier.

So this is a shameless post to sex up my blog with pics of some random yoga pr0n. If you click on his website, you'll see an NSFW photo of him doing a nice eka pada bakasana. His knee could be much farther up to his armpit and his butt checks don't appear to be totally level, but hey, who's complaining?


Arturo said...
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Anonymous said...

For shame, Armani. He's not even an ashtangi. Tsk tsk.


Anonymous said...

he needs to be more ripped. i feel like a dirty old lady looking at him because he's all smooth and babyish. kind of ewey.

Unknown said...

Yea, but you ARE a dirty old lady.

You soooo set yourself up for that one.

Arturo said...

Hi Armani
I like the mispellings in your post. Maybe the yogi wanted to show his tatoo, which would otherwise be covered by the pants.

armani said...

Arturo: Thank you! I was wondering if anyone was going to comment on the tatt on his baby butt.