Just like in high school, attendance for class was lower than usual this morning. It was a shame because our sub had a nice, graceful style and stuck with the Diver's approach for most of the class. My feeling is that anyone who is asked by Diver to teach is going to be okay by me.
Some might have thought it was Diver Lite, since she dialed things back and broke down advanced poses into easier-to-approach parts. She skipped a few of poses from primary and I don't think we did anything that took anyone over the edge. She did however add a few poses that mixed things up a bit and kept it interesting. For us criminals, she threw in parvritta janu sirsasna inbetween the janu's, a pose which I haven't done in ages. There was also a familiar hip flexor sequence beginning with a forward lunge, then straight arms over the head and lifting the hands that go over and keep reaching back. That's a Diver favorite.
One of my faves was a mini-set around eka pada raja kapotasana with some nice variations. After folding and laying your torso over the shin of your bent right leg with hands and arms straight in front of you, you then bend your straight left leg, reach behind and across your back with your right hand taking the left foot. After working the hip flexors, glutes, back thigh and piriformis, it's a bonus pose that stretches your quads.
And as a final random practice note, I liked how she intro'd navasana and said to roll your shoulders back, keeping your chest lifted before you straighten your legs and extend your arms. It's easy to cave your chest in while you're trying hold the pose with your abs.
Photo credit to houseoflucas.com. Thanks, Rob!
Hi Armani,
nice post!
I obviously like my main teacher to be teaching but I think having a sub makes us get out of our comfort zone and it's good for us to be shaken now and then!!
I'd rather have a sub than no class at all is my thinking. After all, we learn so much from other teachers too.
I like the sub too. I'm amazed that she was able to speak so much at such a high tempo. I found myself wondering why she didn't lose her breath. One of life's mysteries, I guess.
bonus pose. gotta love the bonus pose.
hey, i was out because i was having the worst mother's day of my life.
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