Monday, March 31, 2008

Yoga Fight Club

Following up on my earlier post about yoga poses at work, check this site out (Go to Portfolio, Yoga). Martin Prihoda is a professional photographer based in Vancouver. His urban, gritty pics of yogis in different settings are a perfect antidote to the squeaky clean photos you find in YJ.

Oh, and if you don't need Edith playing on the speakers, be sure to turn it off.


crankyhausfrau said...

i thought edith was perfect for those pictures!

Arturo said...

Hi Armani
Thanks for sharing that link. I imagine the photographer might be a yoga practitioner himself. They are beautiful photos.

armani said...

hey cranky & arturo: glad you found the photos interesting. I didn't mind edith either, but wanted to give people a heads-up in case they were at work and possibly had a cranky partner sitting next to them, listening to NPR while plowing through work emails. Not that I was thinking of anyone in particular. :)

I read somewhere that he does indeed practice yoga and got more involved when he took pics for a yoga studio.

alfia said...

Awesome pictures! Thank you for sharing, Armani! :)

Samyama Mama said...

Yeah, thanks for showing us these photos - they're amazing!

Anonymous said...

Hey! Now that's weird. How did you find my friend Martin's site? Martin was my buddy at my 1st Burning Man, remember and we experienced it all together as BM Virgins? I guess you never met him. I met him years ago when he produced and exhibited a great TV pilot about Life, Love and Meaning (with Chip Wilson exec producing) but it didn't get picked up.

Martin meditates a lot and has been doing Hot Yoga here in town at Yaletown Yoga so he knows a lot of people in the community. He also does a flow practice at home, but he's not what I'd call a practitioner. Glad you liked his stuff, he's doing some beautiful work and is a good guy.
