Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My Little Zebra

Adorable, but not very useful. Apparently they can not be domesticated and you cannot ride them because their backs are so weak. Still, they are striking animals to look at.
Forgot to set up my alarm this morning and I missed practice. That hasn't happened in a long time, but I was glad to sleep in. I actually felt like I had a full night of sleep. I was able to make my 8:00 o'clock meeting and had enough energy to deal with the some of the pompous people in attendance. Hee. Oh well. I did have 3.5 hours of yoga yesterday and tomorrow I'll have practice and the Diver's last adjusting workshop to attend. Yippee!


Annukka said...

Oh, oh zebras! I love them. I would love to have one just to look at and to pet.

Your trip sounds amazing, i hope it gave you plenty of energy and relaxation. :)

crankyhausfrau said...

did you take it home with you?

Anonymous said...

I want it! It might fit in my apartment.

armani said...

Annukka, Cranky, Annabella: It was indeed a baby zebra. Pretty cute!

LI Ashtangini said...

Zebras are sooooo cute! I love all your pictures, they're so great. I'm a terrible picture taker, LOL.

armani said...

LI: Thanks. Being the techy you are, I bet you would take good pics!