Molly was our sub. She owns the Samarya Center and is a very creative and dynamic teacher who teaches a kick-ass, ashtanga-flavored form of yoga. Recommended if you can't get to the Diver's studio. She used to be a strict ashtangi, but like some of us, she has evolved her practice in another direction for further exploration. Her studio also offers a big yoga therapy program for children and other folks.
Anyway, the Diver must have left instructions for her to teach a class focused on every possible pose related to lunges with loooong holds. Lots of fun poses from the 3rd series (vasisthasana, visvamitrasana, koundinyasana) and the wild Andrey Lappa Universal Yoga tradition.

Totally wrung out after class, I knew I was going to crash with a long nap and miss the great weather, so I had a quad shot of espresso to get me through the day's activities. Yeah, I know, very rajasic.
Here are a few flashback visuals of what we did. I love featuring my favorite yoga models, the incomparable Arjuna and Elsie with her rocking leg warmers. Laks and Pi'ikea, you missed a great class.